Our Mission

To continuously strive for excellence within our community, by serving our family and friends with exceptional standards!

Our Core Values


Having or showing care and conscientious in one’s worker duties


Conforming to the standards of skill, competence or character, normally expected of a properly qualified and experienced person in the work environment


Devoted to a task or purpose, having single minded loyalty or integrity

Our Mission

To continuously strive for excellence within our community, by serving our family and friends with exceptional standards!

Our Core Values


Having or showing care and conscientious in one’s worker duties


Conforming to the standards of skill, competence or character, normally expected of a properly qualified and experienced person in the work environment


Devoted to a task or purpose, having single minded loyalty or integrity

M.C. Shine Leadership Team

Kevin Postill

Vice President

Kevin is obsessed with discovering, cultivating, and sustaining powerful business partnerships. He has developed unique solutions to help business owners create positive shifts, enhance team culture, increase cash flows, improve customer satisfaction, and build brand superiority through their partnerships with M.C. Shine Cleaning & Restoration. Kevin has a strong confidence in himself, can maintain optimism in the most trying times, sets a high standard as an example, and lives the life of a great leader!

Tom Colbary

General Manager

Tom has strong ethics and values and is willing to make difficult decisions consistent with his beliefs. He always puts the best interest of the customer and his team first. Tom is a strategic thinker. He is excellent at identifying and solving problems, making decisions, and developing plans and strategies to achieve whatever the goal is. One of his greatest attributes as a leader is being able to give empowerment to his team. He is constantly giving the team members the resources they need to succeed and to foster a sense of ownership and accountability among their co-workers and the work that they are producing.

Alex Rostoni

Senior Staff Accountant

Alex originally was going to pursue a career in early childhood education, until she took an accounts payable position at M.C. Shine. This jump-started her career in the accounting world and opened her eyes to the opportunities and career fulfillment that she could produce in the world of accounting. She spent the next few years getting a crash course in accounting as she quickly developed her skills in our fast-paced growing business. She now holds the position as senior staff accountant. She has been instrumental in developing new accounting systems, increasing cash flows, and creating a highly capable accounting team. She is an exemplary lifelong learner, embraces new challenges with a smile, and is excited to take on the next chapter in the M.C. Shine story.

Alyssa Galloway

Account Coordinator

When Alyssa started working here at M.C. Shine, we quickly learned that she has the ability to be able to effectively communicate the needs of our customers  to our techs out in the field. At times, it can be complete chaos in this department, and Alyssa refuses to fold under pressure. Proper documentation, proper communication, and having the right answers and solutions to any problems that come across-the-board are essential to the success of this department, and Alyssa learned quickly that having the right knowledge would help her become very successful not only in this position, but with this company. To this day, we have never met anyone who is so eager and hungry to learn on a daily basis. She has a never-ending quest of gaining more knowledge and obtaining more certificates in her field. There is not an opportunity that she is not willing to tackle, and her confidence in being a problem solver makes her a great leader in her field.

Stephanie Welsh

Account Coordinator

Stephanie is one of the strongest women that we have had the opportunity to work with. She came on board with a ton of experience in the cleaning industry, but one of her strongest attributes is to be able to lead an extremely diverse team with all of the various services we offer. She not only shines at holding her superiors accountable, but has a passion to listen to her team, which makes her a key player in fixing problems and making the situation better. As soon as she sees an issue, she is able to execute a plan quickly, without undue hesitation or procrastination, with the courage and the ability to tackle calculated risks and act. Stephanie is a great delegator of responsibilities and gives her team members the resources they need to succeed.

Michael Sheldon

Project Manager

Michael strives for perfection in everything that he does. He began his property mitigation and restoration career with M.C. Shine in 2020 which is where he gained his first IICRC certificate. After working in our sales department for a little over a year, M.C. Shine had some structural changes to make, and Michael took some time off to focus on other adventures and acquire more skills and knowledge in this field. In early 2023, he began working on obtaining his Michigan Builders License. At the start of this process, he was hired for the PM role to get our Reconstruction Services department up and running. Since then, he has been able to gain valuable experience and a deep understanding of water, fire, mold, trauma, and asbestos, and how they could damage a structure. Michael is an irreplaceable asset to our losses, making sure that not only every customer is satisfied, but that every project is performed to the highest standard.

Jeff Morton

Restoration Manager

Jeff is extremely detail oriented in his work. He began his property mitigation and restoration career with M.C. Shine when our department had only been open for a short time. Due to his passion for helping people in need, Jeff has been a huge asset and an amazing leader for this department and his team. He loves to be actively engaged in the service of others, and his communication and customer service skills are superior. His intelligence, adaptability, extroversion, innate self-awareness, and social competence often emerge as the hallmarks of some of his most impactful leadership skills. He has become one of the best restoration leaders we have ever had the opportunity to work with, and has played a big role in the growth that this department has had over the last two years.